Rabu, 16 April 2008

Argument to Beethoven's 5th

Scroll down for today's pictures & links.

Argument to Beethoven's 5th

Sid Caesar and Nanette Fabray (from the 50s "Your Show of Shows") are locked in an argument - to the sound of Beethoven's 5th Symphony... "No cue cards, no teleprompters, and no second takes"


Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.

A Mecha-Mosquito is Born

Sculptor Valery Chaliy (from Noyabrsk, Siberia) has built the giant mosquito sculpture (no doubt, impressed by how many of them reside in these swampy parts) Click to enlarge:

(image credit: ng.ru)

You may have seen this guy in a Japanese movie:

(image credit: Konstantin/Kikimor)

Canadian province of Manitoba also has a huge mosquito population. So it's no wonder that they put up the similar monument there, too:

(image credit: Artem)


"Nature's Sophisticated Forms" Collection

Scott Draves made available on his site a collection of nature's forms (which can also be used as graphic elements), based on Ernst Haeckel's Vintage Art (1899-1904) -


Maestro of the Bicycle Medium

Kurt Wold uses bicycle parts to create kinetic sculpture, art installations and even electronic music.

See more incredible concoctions here (thank you Susan for the tip)

Also don't miss his "Lightrobe" - a garment designed for the somnambulists, and knitted out of a quarter mile of electro-luminescent wire!

(images credit Kurt Wold)


Baloon Anatomy?

Yes, and "immaculate confection", too - by MoistProduction's Jason Freeny.
Check out more weirdness at this site.


Mixed fresh links for today:

Star Wars Urban Photography! - [art]
7 random objects sold as exercise machines - [funny]
Fantastic Panorama from the Great Wall of China - [travel]
X-Ray "Everyday Objects" Art, artist - [gallery]
CSI: Web Adventures - [flash site]
Swastika in cartoons: an observation - [design]
Seriously Bad Taste: Borat in Space - [music video]
World Record Bike Jump Attempt - [wow video]
Engineer's guide to cats - [fun video]


Cool poll at Polls Boutique.


Carol Hummel Knits for Trees

Artist Carol Hummel enhances natural scenes with.... warm clothing. Perhaps one day the rocks and bare vegetation will appreciate her efforts, after an especially chilly night:

(images credit: Carol Hummel)


Know Your Pi

(photo taken in Mathematikum museum in Giessen, Germany)


Build Your Own Trail

Chris sent us some photos of the trail and jumps he built, while riding in the forest (full of 300 year old cedars):
(we featured some cool riding before: "On Frozen Rivers" here)




Hunting Trophy Gallery

Click here to see all kinds of huge-size game and fish (not for the squeamish, perhaps). The collection was started by the guy who killed 1,051-pound Monster Pig - read more about it here:

Some of the other catches there:


Here is why your computer does not work any more:

(original unknown)


You might have seen this already, but it's too wonderful not to share:

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