Kamis, 07 Juni 2007

Not Your Ordinary Plants


The Cutest... Vegetable

China is home to some very interesting hot peppers. This one should be put up on eBay - it might even get more money than the "Jesus Toast".
(Source: Sina News Agency, via)

I'd post more images of it's short happy life: frolicking in the sun, growing to full maturity... eating the owner for breakfast... but sadly, I do not have enough information :)

However, here is a... vegetable Mickey Mouse:

and a carrot gentleman:

Some other creatures perhaps masquerading as plants?
This "flower" is just too smug looking:

(Image courtesy Betty Blan)

"Euphorbia esculenta" flower has a face:

(image credit: Fernando Arias)

Kalanchoe Daigremontiana looks like some kind of Martian lobster:

(image credit: Fernando Arias)

Martin Heigan took a great picture of Stapelia flavopurpurea flower
(with its out-worldly crop of "tentacles"):

(image credit: Martin Heigan)

Passiflora Caerulea flower, equipped with its own "parabolic antenna":

(images credit: Leonardo Garrido)

Tree... walking?

I also happen to have the following proof of aliens residing on Earth:
Mystery "flower"

Perhaps we can find out what this thing is.

Apparently this is not a flower or a plant, but the amazing Lamprey.
A "jawless fish with a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth. Although they are often not considered to be true fish because of their vastly different morphology and physiology." (thanks Ilja)
(Source: David Attenborough's "Life on Earth")

Still, better watch what you're eating. Not every plant is what it seems:

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