Senin, 04 Juni 2007

Cyberpunk Art Update


Fashion Like You've Never Seen It Before

This is fashion with teeth, shoes with spikes and more, worthy of the cyber age we live in. Something slightly out of Ridley Scott's movies, or out of William Gibson's opuses. Attire these ladies would LOVE to wear:
(the ladies are courtesy of Jeffrey Scott, whose maily nsfw website is here, used by permission)

Art by Tsubasa:

(images credit: Tsubasa)

(image credit: Life at the Edge)

The Sculpture of Christopher Conte

In the same Giger/ Bladerunner vein, the wonderfully twisted creations of Christopher Conte (his main job is in the prosthetics field making artificial limbs):

He started with bug and spider armatures. Then he moved onto artistically presented mechanical arms and skulls:

Alas, the Golden Age of Cyberpunk is behind us. Cyberpunk sensibilities seem to give way to steampunk and Victorian dark fantasy ones nowadays (read more about it in this book here). William Gibson refuses to give a green light to put his "Neuromancer" to the big screen, which I think is the right decision. It just needs to be really good, or not at all - and if all the modern Hollywood can come up with is another "Matrix" or "Minority Report" clone, then we are not there yet. However, art and fashion are keeping the style alive, and of course, we do have a lot of wonderful books to read.

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Category: Technology,Art
Related Posts: Cyberpunk Art, issue 1, "Burning Chrome" review by Avi Abrams

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