Your link/image contributions are welcome on the
"Dark Roasted Blend"- all kinds of weird and wonderful things, posted daily!
image submissions to the same address:
abramsv@gmail.comThank you for contributing!!
We will update at the first opportunity, with full credit and a link to your site, if you have one.
Keep sending in interesting stuff you find; here are possible theme suggestions:
- funny signs
- interesting architecture
- cool ads
- weird vehicles
- unusual devices
- urban exploring and abandoned sites
- strange accidents
- office pranks
- cute/ ugly animals
- travel tips / travel photos
- science fiction reviews
- ugly faces and funny characters
In other words, "It Will Blend" if it's cool, visually exciting and wonderful.
WRITE AN ARTICLE & GAIN EXPOSURE FOR YOUR SITEYou are also welcome to join our growing community of writers, just send us a note about what subject you are going to write about. If it promises to be interesting and cool, then we will ask you to send your article to
abramsv@gmail.com and our editors will prepare it for publication on our site.
Possible theme suggestions:
- rare / amazing technology
- jokes / humor
- critical essays on unusual art / books (mostly SF&F) / movies.
- extreme / spectacular travelogues
Here is what other website owners have to say:
"The DRB Effect! - Thank you so much for linking to my blog entry on giant salamanders. My fledgling site received an avalanche of hits on the day you did that, and I'm sure I'll keep some of those readers. The link was a great gift to send off the site." - Matt Staggs.
"Our material on your site have led to a peak of about 4500 site visitors two days ago. Usually we have a couple of hundred." - Michael, Retrofuturismus.de
"Thanks for the link to my page! You're right. Traffic rockets! Good thing I got my site back up and running last night!" - Rich Tatum
"Just wanted to say thanks again for the link, the traffic boost as fantastic! (and still is)" - Justin Sampson
Cheers and best wishes from Canada!
Avi Abrams