Rabu, 03 November 2010

Post-Halloween Eclectic Image Mix

"QUANTUM SHOT" #18(rev)
Link - by Avi Abrams

Philosophy, fear of birds, and movie monsters

Well, Halloween has come and gone, and for those of you who's still trembling a little from encountered (and probably imbibed) spirits, here is a very eclectic image mix...

Apparently, imaginary disasters can help sell cars:

Dressed up in costume all year long -

or in this beautiful armour, dreamed up by Ruslan Svobodin:

(image credit: Ruslan Svobodin)

Philosophy and Alfred Hitchcock's fear of birds co-exist in surreal photographs by Sarolta Ban, from Budapest, Hungary -

(art by Sarolta Ban, via)

Mesmerizing illustrations by Jean-Daniel Lorieux to the famous novel "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov:

(images credit: Jean-Daniel Lorieux)

Meet some TV monsters: furry robots... big black spiders (looking ugly next to the "Incredible Shrinking Man")... a giant moth from Japan ("Mothra")...

"Ultra-Q" (1966) Japanese TV series - more info. These are the monster's eyes peeking in a window:

(image via)

...or vicious molecules bombarding an exploring couple from "The Fantastic Voyage" (featuring weird landscapes inside a human body):

Some more vintage movie posters with LARGER-THAN-LIFE monster! -

Watch these movies inside this monster movie bus! -

(featured in the Modern Mechanix magazine, 1936, via)

Monsters from the Planet Photoshop are mostly passe nowadays, but these are especially endearing: a furry frog, and a cat-mouse -

(images via Worth1000)

Some long-faced individuals:

(images via Worth1000 and Fred Bastide, CG Society)

Cutting out your own confetti

Some stores are already thinking about Christmas - you can start preparing for your next party by buying this prefabricated cut sheet.

Instructions for use:
1. Print out this image.
2. Cut out the circles.
3. Keep cutting out the circles.

Also, if you have nothing else to do, try imitating various internet smiley faces -

(image credit: Dan Wade)

Most of all, be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID of your cat:

(this would make an awesome t-shirt design; originals unknown)

Good Night!

(image credit: "Sleep" by Sofia Ajram)



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