Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Kitchen Appliances That Bite

Link - article by Radhika Seth of YankoDesign and A. Abrams

"The Little Toaster That Changed My Life"
Quirky Kitchen Appliances with Somewhat Crazy Look and Feel to Them

(image and more info via)

A part of me thinks that mainstream designers focus more on creating sleeker, streamlined appliances. The general consensus would be to appreciate their efforts, but for someone like me, who gets to view designs as quirky and bizarre as the following... another sleek toaster is like drinking flat Coke. If you enjoy the fizz and appreciate spunk, come join me fitting a hypothetical kitchen with some really quirky appliances! (Also read our previous Kitchen Tech for Geeks article).

1. The Smile Cooking Toaster by Xu Yan Xiang

Does your toast smile at you in the morning or is it a grumpy old man? Know for sure via the transparent heating elements. FYI, I DKDC (don’t know, don’t care) how most of the appliances featured in this list will work, they are here solely on the basis of the bizarreness:

(images via)

2. Bang Bang Egg Steamer by Lo Chi Di

If you think pop-up toaster was the best invention, think again! Hardboiled egg gets better with its own pop-up niche to cook in. Bang Bang Egg Steamer, it’s the ultimate way to make an egg:

3. Portable Toaster by Been Kim

Butter Knife? No, Toaster Knife... spreads warmth and glow to make a crisp toast! The dainty butterflies that flit across actually represent the heat-strength of this Portable Toaster:

4. RabMixer by Ming Tong

Rabbits like carrots, but RabMixer here can help you bake awesome carrot cakes. Grab the bunny by its ear and get bake-happy!

5. Toast Messenger by Sasha Tseng

Instant reminders that you can wolf down; bite after bite... Messages on your toast are signed on courtesy the Toast Messenger. I can imagine using this mode of communication with my husband, when we fight and are not talking with each other! Me: “Make your own toast mister!”

6. Rollable Microwave Oven by Hyun Choi

A space saving microwave concept... you can’t have anything more bizarre and obvious than this in you kitchen!

7. The Radical Six Part Toaster by Matt Gossington

For pure ornamental purposes only! This is the six slots toaster that looks like a cute star fish from the top:

8. Throwing Knife Block - allows you to vent your anger in a sort-of civilized way, more info.

(image via)

9. Egg Cuber. Being a Borg means that you love everything squared and cubed off. So, here we go, here is an Egg Cuber for a perfect Borg Breakfast (order it here):

(image via)

10. Medieval Espresso Machine. As an even crazier addition to our exceptional and gorgeous Espresso Machines collection, here is the one FROM THE DUNGEON, no less. Get your last wish, a frothy cup of espresso / latte, of course!

Order it here, but exercise caution with offering its espresso as a last wish, of course.

11. Pacman Oven Mitts and Microwave Smores Maker go well together in a geeky kitchen (more info here):

(images via 1, 2)

12. A few bits and ends that may have escaped your sophisticated kitchen design tastes: Sharky Tea Infuser by Pablo Matteoda (left) and Calf And Half milk dispenser (right) -

(images via 1, 2)

Computer Cursor Oven Mitts (left) and D-battery Salt and Pepper Shakers (right):

(images via 1, 2)

With all these (or even one of these) appliances and utensils your kitchen will be truly geeked-out and outfitted in an inimitable "Hungry for Food, Fun and Weirdness" style. Catch our next installment in this series, as we no doubt will continue to seek out similar household masterpieces.


Also read "Gorgeous Espresso Machines" ->

About the author: Yanko Design is a web magazine dedicated to introducing the best in modern international design, covering industrial design, concepts, technology, interior design, architecture, exhibition and fashion. Radhika Seth is a Graduate in Commerce, but her passion for books and writing paved the way for content writing. As a professional writer, she’s got her finger on the pulse of the readers’ expectations. However this doesn’t stop her from getting her own opinion across as well.

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