Senin, 02 Juni 2008

Jet Dance in the Sky

Scroll down for today's pictures & links.

Jet Dance in the Sky

French "Mirage" fighter jet team performs truly spectacular show in the sky in June 2006. (Alphajet and a Mirage flying across Europe. 19:42 min long). Check out also contrail photos set and flares set.

url, thanks racerboat

Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.


San Francisco's "Seal Rocks Cliff House" (info). The original structure from 1896... (burned up and was replaced in 1909)


Modded Japanese Scooters

Ah... the sleekness... the impracticality... (more info)


The proper way to fish

(image credit: Bruce Mozert, 1938)


Quote of the Day

"I have it on good authority that if you type Google into Google... you can break the internet."
- IT Crowd


Chocolate Calorie Counter

Great addition to our "Unusual and Cool Chocolates" article:


Mixed fresh links for today:

Funniest TV ads, if you haven't seen them yet, more - [cool ads]
Jewelry made from cast octopus tentacles - [weird art]
Strange Vending Machines, plus more - [urban tech]
Collection of great flash animations - [web]
Pretty Cool Indiana Jones Adventure Game - [gaming]
Cool robotic 70s-style animation - [music video]
Inside Beatles Records: Great series - [cool video]
Norwegian Uphill Cycling - [cool video]
Putin on the Ritz - [fun video]


Absolutely Wonderful Spanish Sci-Fi 50s Covers

See the whole great photo set here, thanks to el estratografico.


Plant Tamagotchi

Nurture it and protect it... This plant will tell you when it's thirsty by projecting the "grumpy" face. You can also "communicate" with it by a USB port:

(images credit: "DigitalPots")


Where I've been surfing

Thomas Hawk shares the sites which he visited in a very unusual way. It is even slightly artsy, you might say - a new form of browser tabs art (more info, click to enlarge to see the whole picture) -

(image credit: Thomas Hawk)


The Vicious Circle

So true, so true.... - via

(image credit: Jorge Cham)


Chewing Gum Sculptures

Italian artist Maurizio Savini makes half-cute half-creepy pink chewing gum art:

Here is a fun poll based on this art.


Very cool Russian hydrofoil passenger boats

"Raketa", "Meteor", "Burevestnik" - these efficient, fast people-movers were employed all over Soviet rivers and seas in the 70s.


Any info is appreciated.
Update: Some possible locations include Spitzkop in Namibia, and area around Nswatugi Cave in the Matopos Hills, Zimbabwe.


Some humor about rising gas prices:

See a lot more in this slide presentation.


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