Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Tyger, Burning Bright


Scroll down for today's pictures & links.

Tyger, Burning Bright

Could this be the essence of magical realism? Dreamy, mesmerizing, brilliant... Produced by Guilherme Marcondes, of "Trattoria", Brazil; based on a well-known William Blake's poem:


Today's pictures & links:

Walk Like a Dinosaur

Spotted on the way to Mount Rushmore, South Dakota:

(image credit: Matthew Franklin Jenkins)


Jungle Tree Island

Tomás Sánchez is one of the most important and celebrated living Cuban artists. Some of his work is marvelous surrealism:

(art by Tomas Sanchez)


Snub-Nosed Monkeys

A golden snub-nosed monkey is nicely "dressed" in heavy fur, helping it to endure chilly winters of China's highland forests (photo taken in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, see more here):

(photo by Cyril Ruoso National Goegraphic)


Mixed fresh links for today:

China develops train that can go faster than an airplane - [wow tech]

Pictures of Brisbane Flood, Before and After - [extreme weather]

Those Fearless Cleaners... - [wow pics]

Synaesthesia: Seeing Colors Created by Music - [interesting]

The Eggventures of Eggbert - [funny art]

Yellowstone just took a deep "breath" - [supervolcano]

What will go off first: Yellowstone, or this supernova? - [ot both at once]

Recycled masterpieces: scrabble tiles, USB drives - [design]

Blobitecture! - [bulbous forms, pics]

Japanese Secret stash Furniture - [cool design, video]

World's Smallest Tank? - [wow video]

Bus Driving Over the Waterfall - [wow video]

Very well done: 1965 "premake" of UP! - [fun video]

Car Parts City - [cool video ad]

How to Turn Your Closet Into an Office - [design]


Dark Roasted Blend T-Shirts are here!

Buy them here!

This is a joint project between Neatoshop and DRB - this way we ensure the best shopping experience, and will continue to come up with cool Dark Roasted Blend designs throughout the year.


Power to the Happy!

(original unknown)

This is happiness before paying the bills...


Your Brain in Chrome

Wonderful sculpture project by Linda Bakke, Norway:

There is also a crazed tractor thing, stumbling around:

(images credit: Linda Bakke)


Who owned those antique gold false teeth?

Martin Codina will pay you some money, if you can provide additional info on this ornamental undertaking... Read more here:

(images credit: Martin Codina)


Drink in moderation!

(image credit: GoldenWreckedAngle, Worth1000)


1960 DiDia 150, owned once by Bobby Darin

... and after him, by Luke Skywalker?

(image credit: Classic Metal)

Gorgeous design by Andy DiDia, possible inspiration for the Luke Skywalker's flying car?


The Largest Supplier of Office Equipment In The Midwest

Stock up on some larger-than-life office supplies (Okay, this is actually a shot from the filming of The Incredible Shrinking Man, 1956)

(image credit: Allan Grant, via Life Magazine)


Gorgeous Art Nouveau Postcards from Germany

Fantastic finds from the antique bin:

(images via)


Random, totally random

Are there traces of Starbucks logo in here, or did I just have one espresso shot too many? -

(art by Uno Moralez)


"Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent-free in your head"



Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

The Biggest Ships in the World (DRB Series)

Can't rock these boats... only stare at them in stupefied amazement

What some of these ships may lack in finesse (though most of them are technological marvels), they make up in sheer unadulterated SIZE. Enjoy the fascinating facts and wide-format images in this highly popular series:

First, The Biggest Ships in the World series proper (which we will be updating as new humongous vessels come along):

Huge Semi-Submersible Ships

Real-life "Sea Monsters & Giants of the Waves"

Biggest Ships in the World, Part 1

Freedom Ship
- a futuristic dream that may just come true

Biggest Ships in the World, Part 2: Supertankers!

Knock Nevis/ Jahre Viking
- big ship with a big story

Biggest Ships in the World, Part 3: Cargo Ships

Huge Container Ships Harass Small Tugboats

Other DRB articles about particularly huge and amazing ships:

Ekranoplans and Hydrofoils
(DRB Series)

The Ultimate Spectacular Collection
Russian 1916 Wooden Aircraft Carrier?

Huge 100-meter-plus vessels were going down the Volga
Extreme Futuristic Boats & Super Yachts

Floating laps of luxury, and more!

Rare Look Inside the Largest Crane & Container Ships

A world record weightlifting in its class. 1600 metric tons.

Japan's Biggest Floating Crane

Like some Godzilla monster, the giant crane looms over the city; easily lifts bridges and submarines
The Last Victorian Leviathan Steam Ship

An Iron Monster, framed by white sails and black smoke
Giant Iceberg Aircraft Carrier

Strange Dream of a Frozen Navy
The Ultimate Moving: Troll-A Gas Platform

Immense Troll Tower to Move & Conquer!


Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

7 Billion: Discussing Overpopulation

Link - by Avi Abrams

Good news, bad news: exploring trends in human population that will shape our future.

National Geographic magazine begins a year-long series on human population with January 2011 issue's cover article "7 Billion" by Robert Kunzig, award-winning science writer and senior editor of the magazine (also watch a YouTube video with lots of cool stats and graphics)

Today we welcome Robert Kunzig, Senior Environment Editor of National Geographic magazine, for an exclusive interview exploring some of the key factors around population, with plenty of startling insights and little-known facts:

(fragment of the January cover of National Geographic magazine, photo by Randy Olson)

Avi Abrams, DRB:
Thank you for appearing on Dark Roasted Blend and the opportunity to ask you some questions. Your article has some great insights, but also contains some surprises: for example, the fact that the much-hyped exponential population growth has actually slowed down and stopped being the main concern, is quite unexpected... when everybody assumes that global population explosion is still in place, and nothing short of a plague, bomb or natural disaster is going to slow it down. So there is hope for humankind yet - and yet there are huge questions of sustainability and waste... Which brings me to the first question:

- Do you believe that United States (and Canada) are going to revise their rate of consumption of energy, water and food, or is it too much to hope for (seeing how hugely disproportionate their consumption footprint is already, and still growing)? Will Las Vegas wake up one day to the fact that it is actually located in the desert (and not on some heavenly cloud) and start reducing water consumption? High consumption brings glamor and comfort but what will it take to sober up before we reach the limit?

Robert Kunzig, National Geographic:
I never thought I would say this but — I must rise up and defend Las Vegas. It has already reduced its water consumption dramatically. I went there in 2007 when I was reporting a story on the ongoing drought in the American West for National Geographic. At that time the city had cut its water use by 20 percent in the previous four years - even though its population had continued to grow. New front lawns had already been banned - sprinklers are the big water hogs in Vegas - and the city was paying people to rip up back lawns. Of course they still have a water crisis there. Their supply is Lake Mead, behind Hoover Dam, and they've watched it drop this year to a near record low, because of that drought. But believe me, Las Vegas is not living on a heavenly cloud as far as water is concerned.

United States: A new house went up every 20 minutes during the 2004 building boom that seized Las Vegas and its sprawling suburbs, like Henderson. The American lifestyle - characterized by gas-thirsty cars and big houses using lots of electricity — contributes to the country's energy appetite; its carbon emissions are four times higher than the global average. (photo by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Altitude - click to enlarge)

Americans already consume a lot less energy per person than they did in 1978 - that was the all-time peak. Total consumption keeps rising here, except when the economy is tanking, because population is rising. Will we find a way to reduce it? I think we can. There are two good ways: prices and rules, especially prices. Europeans consume around half as much energy as Americans, not because they are better people, but because energy is more expensive there, in part because governments tax it heavily. If our government were to tax carbon, Americans would reduce their energy consumption right quick. Failing that bit of enlightened leadership, we'll have to wait for the market to do the job for us, for instance as we start to run out of oil.

But let me raise one objection to your overall premise. The point is not to reduce consumption per se, because consumption is not evil per se — it's important not to get moralistic about these issues, if only because moralism is self-defeating. The point is to reduce the damage that certain kinds of consumption cause. If we can find a cheap way to tap limitless solar energy, would it matter if our energy consumption continued to rise? Not so much, except in deserts covered by solar panels.

The question of having enough food is a tougher one. We Americans do indeed eat a lot more than we used to. Why we sit around more and eat more and move less is a largish subject that I'm very far from being an expert on. Personally I blame Canadians for the whole mess. If I were not sitting here answering questions from a Canadian website, my office lights and computer would be off, I wouldn't be eating this candy bar, and I'd be out enjoying a nice wholesome walk in the cool night air, on my way home to a supper of locally grown broccoli.

(Worker housing project in China; image via)

DRB: Do you think that the American Dream (a house in the suburbs, a car and minivan, huge outdoor mall nearby, safe neighborhoods to raise kids) is even attainable for the majority of emerging middle class in Asia? Is this lifestyle something they want? Can the world support the idea of two cars per family, say, in China? By the way, happy cyclists in Amsterdam may be living their own sort of dream: of a downsized and car-free kind. What do you think about that? Is the middle class Dream itself changing?

I can see you really like tightly focused questions, don't you? I believe you are now asking me "What do Asians want?" Well, I assume they want to be happy. The evidence at the moment is that they want a lot of the same stuff we have in America - refrigerators and cell phones and yes, cars. But people's ideas of what they want or need to be happy is contingent on circumstances and government policies and historical accident, as your Amsterdam example suggests. (Funny coincidence: on my way back from Delhi I broke up the trip by spending a night in Amsterdam, where I rented a bike.) What you describe as the American Dream is just a particular 20th century version that happened for a variety of reasons. It could have happened differently. And yes, it already is happening differently — baby boomers are getting old and realizing they don't want to be trapped in the suburbs, and their children, now grown, aren't having as many babies and finding they like the city, etc etc. One of the biggest challenges we face these days is overcoming our built legacy of car-centered sprawl. And one of the big challenges for Asia will be to try to avoid the worst excesses of a particular time and place that they don't have to make their own.

India: Its steaming streets crammed with vendors, pedestrians, and iconic Ambassador taxis, Kolkata throbs with some 16 million people — and more pour in every day from small towns. In 1975 only three cities worldwide topped ten million. Today 21 such mega cities exist, most in developing countries, where urban areas absorb much of the globe's rising population. (photo by Randy Olson/National Geographic)

DRB: My first exposure to the horrors of overpopulation in India came from reading "Song of Kali" by Dan Simmons which describes the squalid living conditions in Calcutta.. and some pretty horrid religious rites that went along with it. Do you think that people give up in despair when living in a slum, or do they still maintain some decency and even hope? Can you share some examples of people successfully escaping the slums?

I think that people are able to maintain decency and hope in all manner of conditions. In Delhi I visited a neighborhood that would be called lower middle class there, but would certainly be considered a slum in the U.S. It was a squatters' neighborhood, where people who had come in from the countryside had built multi-story buildings with their own hands on government land. In one of those houses I met a mother and her 18-year-old son. She was barefoot and wore a traditional sari with a head scarf; he was in flip-flops and cargo shorts and a T shirt. She was from a peasant background and had never been to school; he had just finished high school. In all those years she had only visited his school one time, on a day when he had forgotten his lunch. She had never met his teachers. She was too ashamed of her own illiteracy to show her face at school. But she was clear about one thing - if her son didn't get a scholarship to go to engineering college, she and her husband were going to find the money to pay for it. Around the corner, in another tiny living room, I met a father who had the same ambition for his two teen-age girls. Indians spend a huge portion of their budget on education. And kids on average are much more educated than their parents. There is way too much poverty and hunger in India. Things would be much easier if there weren't so many people. But it is a country with a lot of hope.

Spain: Immigrants like these Indians at a Sikh festival in Barcelona are bolstering Europe's stagnant population growth rate. Around the world, the childbearing decisions of young women will determine whether global population stabilizes or not. Research shows that the more education a woman receives, the fewer children she is likely to have. (photo by Randy Olson/National Geographic)

DRB: I heard the story of a man from Congo who crossed the Sahara desert on foot to try to reach the European paradise (he reached Italy and eventually moved to Canada). Are such stories and experiences common in Africa? Should not we hear more such testimonies to make us more aware of African people's plight, or just to gain some respect for their struggle to succeed?

Yes, we should hear more such stories. In general, we should try to remember to think of people as individuals, not as members of a faceless population whose swelling number terrifies us.

DRB: Do you think that European politics might be affected in the future by the influx of immigrants? Racism and nationalism were quite rampant and popular views in the beginning of 20th century Europe, and we all know what came out of it.

Europeans in particular know what came out of it. Immigration is affecting their politics right now, of course. Every time some right wing party exploits the issue and surges in the polls, we hear about it. I lived in France for 12 years, until 2008, and in 2002 I think it was, Jean-Marie Le Pen and his National Front got nearly 20 percent of the vote in a presidential election, largely on an agenda that promoted fear of foreigners. But since then his party has faded back into irrelevance. So in general I'm hopeful that Europeans will be able to keep a lid on that particular expression of the collective id.

Demographically, a large influx of immigrants to Europe would make a lot of sense. It's a rich continent with an aging population in need of youth; Asia and Africa still have booming populations and a lot of youth looking for economic opportunity. From that point of view, immigration is win-win. Culturally, it's much harder. People who grew up in a certain culture are inevitably going to feel a loss if immigration changes it out from under them. I think politicians need to acknowledge that feeling and not invalidate it - but also not cater to it too much.

DRB: How would you respond to some extremely nutritious but utterly bland food (for example, some sort of universal green paste, the Answer to Feeding Millions)- would you accept it? Would you eat it happily, knowing that it helps the planet?


DRB: Here are a few purely hypothetical questions, more of a science-fiction variety, but something we find fascinating to think about:

- It was surprising to find out that seven billion people standing together would only cover the area of Los Angeles... but what about another mental experiment: putting not only living people but all the people that ever lived on a stretch of land? Philip Jose Farmer in his "Riverworld" described just such an eventuality, where Hitler and Stalin / both live together and forced to "rub shoulders" in a tight environment, together with untold billions of other people that ever inhabited the Earth. Do we even have an estimate of how many people lived during the Earth's history?

Joel Cohen, a demographer I interviewed for my National Geographic article, recently wrote a paper on that very question. He puts the total number of people who ever lived at around 77 billion, around 9 percent of whom are alive now. If he's right, you would need 11 Los Angeles (each one covering 500 square kilometers) to hold all the people standing shoulder to shoulder. Whether or not Hitler and Stalin would be able to elbow their way through the crowd in order to rub theirs together, I don't know.

("The Homeworld", art by David Fuhrer)

DRB: In your article you speak a lot about migration to the cities, but do you see a future migration of people from overpopulated and polluted cities back into the country, to some pastoral garden communities? When telecommuting to work becomes the norm and, say, flying cars are put in every garage? Many science fiction writers envisioned such a suburban utopia, or distopia (depending on the writer's preferences) - as an alternative to "Bladerunner" type high density urban centers. Would such a migration even be desirable?

That migration back into the country to "garden cities" already happened, in the last century - that's what gave us the suburbs. My guess is it was good for a lot of the migrants but not good for the planet as a whole. In general, concentrating people is a good thing for nature insofar as it leaves more room for people-free areas.

("Blue Moon", art by David Fuhrer)

DRB: What sort of overpopulation would we need to endure in order to prompt us to start actively colonizing other planets? Or should we rather start inhabiting the ocean depths, build flying cities - anything to stay on Good Old Earth instead? (I am a little bitter about the demise of 1950s Rocket Age and Space Colonization.)

As Ralph Kramden used to say, back in the 1950s - "To the moon, Avi!" You go first. (Maybe you're too young to have heard of Ralph Kramden. You can look him up on YouTube)

I've always found the sci-fi idea that population pressures are going to push us off the planet a little ridiculous. Now it seems even more so. Population looks set to peak at 9 or 10 billion later this century, and probably fall after that. The Earth then will be around half as densely populated as France is today. Living space is not the problem. Feeding all those people is going to be challenging - but growing wheat or corn would not be easier on Mars or any other planet we could reach. Don't talk to me about Universal Green Paste.

Robert Kunzig is Senior Environment Editor of the National Geographic magazine. His story "Population: 7 Billion" can be found at National Geographic website.



Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Ship Figureheads: Symbols of the Sea

Link - article by Simon Rose and Avi Abrams

The art of glorious (or frightening) "hood ornaments" for ships

The elaborate decorative wooden carvings known as figureheads were found on the prow of ships built between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Many depicted human females or animals, but other designs could be found as well. There had been ornamentation on boats and ships in earlier eras, in Egypt for example, plus in other cultures of the ancient world.

(top: the figurehead of the Cutty Sark, 1869; photo by Alexey Suloev, see more)

This ship’s figurehead was originally dated to the Viking period, but is now thought to be from between 350 and 650 AD, when the Germanic peoples were expanding in Europe during the breakup of the Western Roman Empire (left image below):

(images via 1, 2)

A few centuries later, Viking ships often displayed fearsome dragon’s heads on their voyages between around 800 and 1000 AD (middle and right images above).

(images via)

Dutch ships' figureheads: left & middle: "Sjaelland" line ship, 1787; on the right is "Phoenix" from 1811:

(images via)

However, the general practice of using a figurehead arrived with the development of the ocean going galleons of the 1500’s. Similar to the manner in which pub signs (which we examined in a couple of previous articles here on Dark Roasted Blend) were employed to advertise premises when the majority of the population couldn’t read, ship figureheads were often used to indicate the name of a ship in a much less literate society. They also could serve to display the wealth and social status of the ship’s owner or the might and power of the country, in the case of military vessels.

Various Dutch and Russian figureheads from 1739-1741:

(images via)

Not just an ornament - a guide to the afterlife!

Figureheads also served as a kind of good luck charm for the ship’s crew. In Germany, Belgium and Holland, it was believed that the ship’s figureheads contained spirits called Kaboutermannekes. These spirits protected the ship and crew from fierce storms, treacherous winds, uncharted rocks, illness or disease, and in the event the ship sank, the spirits would guide the sailors souls to the afterlife. If sailors lost their lives at sea without such protection, it was believed their souls would haunt the sea for all eternity.

Figureheads became somewhat popular again following the Napoleonic Wars, after having almost disappeared entirely by 1800, but were smaller that the full figure versions that had been popular in previous centuries.

Here’s the bow of Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory, from the early nineteenth century (left).

(images via 1, 2, 3)

The British frigate Unicorn was launched in 1824 with the striking decoration (shown above right).

Left: Prince Henry the Navigator figurehead from "Sagres II", Portugal, 1937... Right: monk figurehead from Amerigo-Vespucci, 1931:

(images via)

(images credit: left Heather Cuthill; right via)

A Tea for Two and a Rub for my Figurehead!

The clippers, which sailed the globe’s trade routes in the mid nineteenth century, usually had full figureheads, but these were usually lightweight versions. Prior to being closed for major restoration, the tea clipper Cutty Sark at Greenwich, London, contained a large collection of ships' figureheads:

(all images copyright WhipperSnapper, used by permission)

The first steamships sometimes had decorations on their bows, but figureheads mostly died out with the demise of the sailing ship.

(image via)

The Royal Navy ship HMS Rodney, launched in 1884, was the last British battleship to have a figurehead, although some smaller British vessels continued to use them until the early years of the twentieth century. Here’s the figurehead of HMS Warrior from the same era (left image):

(images via 1, 2)

The German ocean liner Imperator, launched in 1912, used a large bronze eagle as a figurehead (see above image on the right). The extra feet of length it provided made Imperator the longest ship in the world at the time, beating the British ship Olympic, a sister vessel of the Titanic.

Figureheads usually depicted human figures, but here we have a lion (below left)... and even King Neptune himself (middle image), whose face seems entirely similar to the figurehead of HMS Ajax, which was built in 1809 and featured in many engagements during the lengthy conflict with Napoleon (below right):

(images via 1, 2)

Here’s a sight familiar to residents of, and visitors to, the Canadian city of Vancouver. This carving of a sea dragon, located in Stanley Park, is a replica of the figurehead of the Empress of Japan, which sailed back and forth from Canada’s west coast to Asia from the early 1890’s until 1922.

(left image credit Kevin R. Boyd, right image via)

And speaking of Asia, here are some examples of figureheads from Thailand, displayed on barges used by the royal family. This first one dates from the mid-sixteenth century.

(image credit: left Guava, right Peter Sealy)

Today, the examples of elaborately decorated figureheads found in museums, historic collections and other locations around the world remain a fascinating reminder of a bygone age. We hope you’ve enjoyed this look at figureheads here at Dark Roasted Blend.


Simon Rose is the author of science fiction and fantasy novels for children, including The Alchemist's Portrait, The Sorcerer's Letterbox, The Clone Conspiracy, The Emerald Curse, The Heretic's Tomb and The Doomsday Mask.
